Meet the Faculty: Susan Miller

Susan Miller
Assistant Professor and Program Director, Surgical Technology and Central Service Technician programs
Year Joined CCAC
Courses Currently Teaching
Central Service Clinical
Surgical & Central Service Technology 1
Surgical Technology 3
Surgical Technology 4
Surgical Technology Clinical 1
Surgical Technology Clinical 2
Most Memorable CCAC Experience
I can pick out more than one CCAC experience that I find most memorable.
Probably the most prominent memory I have is watching my students walk across that stage at graduation every year. I am so proud of all that they have learned and accomplished. Seeing their smiles as they wave to me wearing their caps and gowns is something I look forward to every May.
Working in the lab with the high school students attending the Healthcare Career Academy in the summer is another highlight of my time at CCAC. I love sharing information about the profession of surgical technology and seeing their enthusiasm as they take part in the lab activities.
Why I Teach What I Teach
I love the operating room and the profession of surgical technology, and I love teaching! I knew when I was a student in the Surgical Technology program at CCAC that I wanted to come back and teach future surgical technologists. It is a privilege to be able to share what I have learned and my passion for the profession with the students who come across my path. It is rewarding to be a part of their lives, watch their growth over the two years that I have them in the program, and see the vital role they play in health care once they graduate.
Something People Might Not Know About Me
I worked as a secretary after high school graduation. I then became a stay-at-home mom and homeschooled my three children prior to earning my degree in Surgical Technology at CCAC, followed by my bachelor's degree at Siena Heights University.
Favorite Quote
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." —St. Paul (Philippians 4:8, ESV)