With Significant Support From Dollar Bank, CCAC to Offer Free College Credit Classes to Area High School Students

Representatives from Dollar Bank and CCAC exchange a large check for $50,000. Pictured left to right: Jamie Mc Mahon, CCAC Educational Foundation CEO; Kevin Kinross, Chair, CCAC Board of Trustees; Dr. Quintin Bullock, CCAC President; Jeff Evans, Dollar Bank Senior Vice President of Treasury Management; and Jackie Rizzo, Dollar Bank Vice President of Treasury Management Operations.
CCAC has announced that free college credit classes are now available to high school students in the region. Through funding provided by CCAC donors participating in the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, students in the second and third year of high school can choose classes in any CCAC program and register, tuition free, for the summer 2023 and fall 2023 semesters.
Dollar Bank, a longstanding supporter of CCAC through the state's EITC program, has contributed in total more than $300,000 and recently presented another check to CCAC in the amount of $50,000. These funds will be used exclusively to provide the free courses through CCAC's Dual Enrollment program.
"We are proud to once again partner with CCAC to assist in providing educational programs that make an impact and remove economic challenges for the residents of our communities," said Frank Buonomo, Vice President of Public Affairs.
Students must register for summer or fall classes by June 30 to qualify for the funding and must first apply to the college and meet course eligibility requirements, if any. CCAC summer registration is open now. Fall registration begins April 15.
"CCAC continues to expand its role in addressing social and economic challenges in the community, and we are excited to provide, through the EITC program, dually enrolled high school juniors and seniors in Allegheny County the opportunity to earn college credits prior to their high school graduation," said Dr. Tiffany Evans, CCAC Dean of Students and Interim Enrollment Services Lead Administrator.
Dr. Evans also noted that the program can help high school students earn college credentials and lower student debt, adding, "Seventy-five percent of CCAC students graduate debt-free."
Interested high school students can start the process online here. Prospective students and their families are also encouraged to attend an upcoming CCAC Open House in April. To learn more about Open House events, click here.
The EITC program, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, reduces taxes paid by businesses to the state when they contribute to scholarship organizations. State law requires that 80% of funding by scholarship organizations participating in the EITC program go to designated programs, including Dual Enrollment and Nurse Aide Training.