Dr. Evon Walters Appointed to National Commission

Dr. Evon Walters will serve a three-year term on the AACC’s Commission on Structured Pathways.
Dr. Evon Walters, Northwest Region President, Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), has been appointed to the Commission on Structured Pathways of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Dr. Walters, one of two dozen commission members, will serve a three-year term.
The Commission on Structured Pathways focuses on strategies for scaling community college pathways across systems, states and the nation. The commission also contributes to the development of the AACC Pathways resources and related work through identification of pertinent resources, technical assistance expertise and college examples, as well as a thorough review of emerging evidence on the efficacy of pathways.
The pathways that are addressed during the commission's biannual discussions pertain, specifically, to academic pathways that prepare students for the work they intend to pursue after graduation. These are career pathways that community colleges provide.
"Given the central role that our community colleges continue to play in building America's future pipeline of skilled and educated workers, it's an incredible honor to be able to engage and contribute with the other national thought leaders on this very important subject matter and movement connected to workforce development," said Dr. Walters
Dr. Walters has previously served terms on the AACC Student Success and College & Career Readiness Commissions.