How to Get a Job in Robotics in Pittsburgh—CCAC Featured in Online News Publication

Dr. Justin Starr, far right, says CCAC’s rate of local employment is close to 100% for graduates of their programs.
The CCAC Mechatronics program and Dr. Justin Starr, endowed professor of advanced technologies at the college, were featured as part of an in-depth news article published in NextPittsburgh online news. The story delved into the growth of the robotics career market and highlighted the expanding robotics and tech job opportunities available in Pittsburgh—even without a four-year college degree.
In the article, Dr. Starr noted that some CCAC students start their careers immediately after completing the college’s Mechatronics program, while others choose to continue their education at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh or elsewhere. But unlike students who go straight from high school to a four-year university, their initial training at CCAC gives them an opportunity to work in the robotics field while studying at these universities. “They have more money in their pockets, and by the time they graduate with their undergraduate degree, they also have career experience that gives them an upper hand in being chosen by an employer,” he said.
Dr. Starr also noted that CCAC’s rate of local employment is close to 100% for graduates because the college has designed its curriculum with input from leaders of over 80 local manufacturing companies.