National Industry Publication Features CCAC's Community Partnerships
Dr. Evon Walters, CCAC Northwest Region president, has authored an article about CCAC's community partnerships for a national industry publication.
Post-Gazette Features CCAC Student Spaceflight Competition
This fall, 12 teams of CCAC students have been hard at work designing experiments for the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program, which will send one winning project into orbit in 2023. On Thursday, Nov. 10, the teams gathered before an audience at the newly-opened Moonshot Museum, where a panel of space experts judged the students’ presentations and selected three winning teams to proceed to the final round of the competition.
Bullock's Vlog: November 2022
During this season of thankful celebration, Dr. Bullock expresses thanks to the CCAC community, encourages you to volunteer during the holiday season, and provides encouragement for the end of the semester.
CCAC Homewood-Brushton Center to Hold Resource and Enrollment Fair on November 17
The Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) will host a Resource and Enrollment Fair at the Homewood-Brushton Center (701 N. Homewood Ave.) on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
CCAC South Campus to hold Fall Education and Enrollment Fair on Nov. 12
CCAC will host an in-person Fall Education and Enrollment Fair at South Campus in the Foerster Student Services Center on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 10:00 am. to 1:00 p.m.
CCAC Administrators Participate in National CEO Mentoring Institute
The Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) has announced the participation of three of the college’s administrators in the Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership.