Faculty Directory

Rakesh Shah
Professor | Physics
- 412-369-4214
- rshah@ccac.edu
- North Campus, NC 2031
- Faculty office hours are available through self-service.
Degree | Emphasis | Institution |
Ph.D. | Physics | University of North Texas |
M.S. | Physics | Southern Illinois University |
Dr. Rakesh Shah earned his BS in Science (Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics) degree from Tribhuvan University, Nepal, an MS in physics from SIUC, Carbondale, IL, and a PhD in physics from the University of North Texas, Denton, TX. His PhD research was in the field of carbon-based nanotechnology. His research revealed the enhancement of mechanical, thermal stability, and tribological properties by adding a very small amount of graphene oxide. Rakesh has been teaching physics courses since 2000. He enjoys teaching and working with his students. He likes reading books, traveling, and spending time with his family and friends.
- R. Shah, T. Datashvili, T. Cai, J. Wahrmund, B. Menard, K. P. Menard, W. Brostow, J. Perez, Effects of Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide on Frictional and Wear Properties of Epoxy Resin, Material Research Innovations 2015, 9, 97-106.
- A. Neogi, S. Karna, R. Shah, U. Philipose, J. Perez, R. Shimada, Z. Wang, Surface plasmon enhancement of broadband photoluminescence emission from graphene oxide, Nanoscale 2014, 6, 11310-11315.
- J. D. Jones, R. K. Shah, G. F. Verbeck, J. M. Perez, Graphene: The Removal of Single Layers from Multi-layer Graphene by Low-Energy Electron Stimulation, Small 2012, 8, 1066-1072.
- S. Ghosh, X. An, R. Shah, D. Rawat, B. Dave, S. Kar, S. Talapatra, Effect of 1-pyrene carboxylic-acid functionalization of graphene on its capacitive energy storage, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116, 20688-20693.
- X. An, T. Simmons, R. Shah, C. Wolfe, K. M. Lewis, M. Washington, S. K. Nayak, S. Talapatra and S. Kar, Stable Aqueous Dispersions of Noncovalently Functionalized Graphene from Graphite and their Multifunctional High-Performance Applications. Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 4295–4301.
- R. Shah, X. F. Zhang, X. An. S. Kar and S. Talapatra, Ferrocene Derived Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application as Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor Electrodes. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010, 10, 1–6.
- S. Talapatra, S. Kar, R. Shah, C. Schenk, X. F. Zhang, Enhancement of Electrical Performance of Ultra-long multi-wall carbon nanotube arrays by Au/Pd coating and High-Bias Treatment. Science of Advanced Materials 2009, 1, 1–6.
- R. Shah, X. Zhang, and S. Talapatra, Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor Electrodes Using Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Grown Directly on Metals. Nanotechnology 2009, 20, 395202.
- X. Li, X. Zhang, L. Ci, R. Shah, C. Wolfe, S. Kar, S. Talapatra, and P. M. Ajayan, Air-assisted growth of ultra-long carbon nanotube bundles. Nanotechnology 2008 19, 455609.
- S. Karna, T-Y. Choi, R. Shah, M. Mahat, A. Neogi, Local Field Enhanced Photoluminescence and Raman Effect in Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanoclusters, APS Meeting, March 2015, San Antonio, TX.
- A. Neogi, S. Karna, R. Shah, R. Shimada, Z. Wang, Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photoluminescence from Graphene Oxide, MRS Fall Meeting Boston, MA, Nov 30-Dec 05, 2014.
- R. Shah, T. Datashvili, T. Cai, J. Wahrmund, B. Menard, K. P. Menard, W. Brostow, J. Perez, Mechanical and Dynamic Frictional Properties of Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites, Talk presented at Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Toluca, Mexico, July 12, 2012
- R. Shah, U. Philipose, J. M. Perez, S. Talapatra, Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors Using Few Layers of Graphene Grown on Nickel Foil. APS Meeting, March 2011, Dallas, TX.
- S. Talapatra, S. Kar, R. Shah, S. Ghosh, X. An, T. Simmons, S. Nayak, Ultrathin Graphene Membranes As Flexible Electrodes For Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors. APS Meeting, March 2010, Portland, OR.
- X. An, T. Simmons, R. Shah, M. Washington, S. Nayak, S. Talapatra, and S. Kar, Development of Conductometric Sensors and Supercapacitors from Aqueous Suspensions of Functionalized Graphene. MRS Fall meeting Boston, MA, Nov 30-Dec 04, 2009.
- R. Shah, X. Zhang, and S. Talapatra, Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors Using Aligned Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Grown Directly on Conductive Substrates. APS Meeting, March 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
- S. Talapatra, R. Shah, C. Schenk, X. Zhang, and S. Kar, Electrical Transport in Long Bundles of Carbon Nanotube-Metal Hybrids. APS Meeting, March 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
- C Wolfe, R Shah, X Zhang, X An, S Kar, and S Talapatra, Electrical Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Bundles Synthesized from Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ferrocene. APS Meeting, March 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
- X. Zhang, D. Rawat, T. Furuhashi, R. Shah, A. Migone, and S. Talapatra, Hydrogen adsorption on metal coated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes. APS Meeting, March 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
- R. Shah, I. Dubenco, A. Church, X. Zhang, S. Stadler, S. Talapatra, and N. Ali, Synthesis and Characterization of Iron-Nickel (FexNi1-x) Nanowires. APS Meeting, March 2008, New Orleans, LA.
- X. Zhang, R. Shah, and S. Talapatra, Air Assisted Growth of Long Aligned Carbon Nanotube. APS Meeting, March 2008, New Orleans, LA.
- A. Church, R. Shah, X. Zhang, and S. Talapatra, Electrical Transport in Ultra Long Bundles of Carbon Nanotube. APS Meeting, March 2008, New Orleans, LA (Poster Presentation).
My favorite moment was my first day at CCAC when I became a member of the CCAC family and, since then, every moment whenever my students are successful in their courses, higher education, and careers.
I always enjoyed teaching physics since entering the field of education. I believe that physical science is the basis of technology and that it will generate and develop more advanced technologies for the betterment of society.
I was about to quit my education in college due to prolonged health problems, but, once I recovered, I continued my education and completed my doctorate in physics at the University of North Texas and began teaching. I learned that when we persevere, we can overcome our problems and find success. We don't need to let our difficulties prevent us from achieving our goals.
"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." —Mark Van Doren