Career Spotlight: Conor Lyons

Conor Lyons, Business Management/HR
Please provide a bio about you. Include your name, what you studied, where you attended school and campus (ex: CCAC-North) and what year you graduated. Tell us anything here you'd like us to know about you!
Conor Lyons earned an Associate Degree in General Studies from CCAC's Northside campus and is currently pursuing another Associate in Business from CCAC while working towards his Bachelor of Science in Business Management/Human Resources at IUP.
Conor enrolled in CCAC after his mother was diagnosed with cancer and lost her job. He had been attending the University of Pittsburgh, but he put his degree on hold so he could work full-time while also providing caretaking support for his mom. He realized he needed to refocus on obtaining his degree and CCAC enabled him to work towards his degree, at his own pace, while continuing to work and provide caretaking support. He values the fact that CCAC has been so supportive of his life outside of education and helped him adjust to his "new normal."
How did you choose your major? What motivated you to choose that field/profession?
I chose a double major in Business Management and Human Resources because I want a career in the financial sector, and I wanted to set myself apart from the crowd. Rather than go and get a regular finance degree to go into finance, I took it upon myself to choose a degree that will have transferable skills in any field I go into and will really stick out on a Resume.
I've always had an interest in finance - as a child, I loved learning about the stock market and how banks worked. I also liked toys and I needed money to buy toys, so I quickly learned about jobs and saving your money. My interest in finance at a young age allowed me to learn about saving, balancing a checkbook, utilizing a stock account, etc. It's such an important life skill that many people struggle with, so I was also always interested in helping others learn about financial security.
What did you enjoy about attending CCAC? Do you have any memorable moment to share?
I am proud to attend CCAC and I owe a lot of my personal success to CCAC. The freedom and flexibility that this school has given me is one of the main reasons I have been able to continue my education towards a bachelor's degree. The faculty and staff at CCAC understood that every individual has a life outside of the classroom and went above and beyond to accommodate my schedule.
How involved were you at CCAC? For instance, did your studies take you to other countries? Did you have internships or Co-Ops? Clinicals and/or practicums? Were you a part of any clubs, sports, or extracurriculars? (please list as much detail as possible).
I wish I was able to be more involved with CCAC and the additional opportunities it provides. I have been able to attend a few events and was able to utilize the Math Café, which is a wonderful and helpful benefit.
What are you doing now? What are you hoping to do next? What are your ultimate professional goals?
I have an Investment Manager internship with Federated Hermes headquartered in downtown Pittsburgh. This summer, I will be moving to Columbus, Ohio for a Financial Management internship with JP Morgan Chase & Co.
What advice do you have for students who are considering the idea of taking classes at CCAC?
I would absolutely recommend CCAC to anyone, especially graduating high school seniors. CCAC is a great opportunity for those who are unsure about attending a four-year college, would like to save money, and/or have a busy lifestyle such as being a parent or working fulltime. If I could do it all over again, I would have enrolled at CCAC upon high school graduation.
Who inspires you and why? Do you have any mentors or people of influence in your life?
My oldest sister, Alena, is one of the biggest influences in my life. There is a big age gap between us, and I remember looking up to her since I was a little kid and she was in college. I could write a long list of the things she has done for me or helped me accomplish, but I would like to just highlight a few. My sister is one of the only reasons I stayed in school and continued my education, which will forever change my life. When I got my first internship and could not afford professional clothing, she took me out and bought me clothes to wear. I will be forever thankful for the things my sister has done for me and I wouldn't be the person I am today without her.