Career Spotlight: Cindy Wirtz

Cindy Wirtz, Paralegal
Please provide a bio about you. Include your name, what you studied, where you attended school and campus (ex: CCAC-North) and what year you graduated. Tell us anything here you'd like us to know about you!
Cindy Wirtz graduated from CCAC-Northside Campus in 2003 with an Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies. She continued with her legal studies at Point Park University, graduating in 2005 with a degree in Pre-Law.
How did you choose your major? What motivated you to choose that field/profession?
I have always been a history buff and from that developed an interest in the U.S. Constitution and our legal system in general. Paralegal is a second career choice for me. I graduated in my early 20's with a business degree and pursued a career in the retail industry for 20 years.
What did you enjoy about attending CCAC? Do you have any memorable moment to share?
I enjoyed all my professors. They either were all practicing attorneys or had moved over to the magisterial level. The flexible class schedules were very helpful as I worked for a sole practitioner at the time and was able to make it work. The most memorable event for me as a student was on Sept. 11th, 2001. I was on campus ready to go into the Criminal Law class at 9:00 a.m. The campus was soon evacuated and the buses were providing service only as far as the 6th, 7th and 9th St. Bridges. They would not take anyone over the bridge. I walked over the bridge all the way to the Southside.
How involved were you at CCAC? For instance, did your studies take you to other countries? Did you have internships or Co-Ops? Clinicals and/or practicums? Were you a part of any clubs, sports, or extracurriculars?
Since I attended CCAC later in life and was working as a paralegal, I did not participate in any extracurricular activities. However, my Criminal Law and Evidence and Procedures professor was The Honorable Cathleen Bubash, who at that time was the magistrate for the Northside.
She invited students to come to her Courtroom to watch her Court proceedings on the days she had hearings. This was for extra credit and I attended a few times. Very informative!
Did any of these experiences lead you into realizing your passions for work and career? If so, how?
Yes. Witnessing the start of a lawsuit or Court case at the magistrate level increased my enthusiasm for the legal system. I wanted to see the cases as they came to an end.
What (transferable) skills did you gain that you could take into a workplace?
Very little of what I learned at CCAC was NOT transferable! Learning from professors who had first-hand knowledge of the workings of the legal system was and continues to be an asset in my career. I learned how to open and administer an Estate and had my first exposure to performing legal research and writing. I learned Westlaw. I also enjoyed my electives and non-legal courses.
What are you doing now? What are you hoping to do next? What are your ultimate professional goals?
I have worked as a paralegal for over 20 years. I began working at Pollock Begg, a family law firm, in 2006 and have not left! I do not plan on leaving the firm and hope to eventually retire from there.
What advice do you have for students who are considering the idea of taking classes at CCAC?
Attending CCAC was one of the best investments I have made in life! You cannot beat the cost! My four-year college courses were triple the price and I did not receive the hands-on experience that I received at CCAC.
Who inspires you and why? Do you have any mentors or people of influence in your life?
The founding partners of the law firm I work for have all been practicing in family law for years. They are all Super Lawyers, an award of distinction and recognition given by their peers. I learn from each of them every day. In particular, providing quality service to our clients is a priority. You may know the law, you may possess superb writing skills and have an innate ability to argue a case in a Court of law; however, nothing is as important as taking a client's call. People spend a lot of money when they hire an attorney, and they deserve good customer service.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Always when working with attorneys, never say you can't get to it today. Always be open to starting early or staying late. Do not be afraid of picking up the phone, even if you simply take a message! Always be professional and helpful to clients!