Career Spotlight: Daniel Meyers

Daniel Meyers, Automotive Mechanics
Please provide a bio about you. Include your name, what you studied, where you attended school and campus (ex: CCAC-North) and what year you graduated. Tell us anything here you'd like us to know about you!
Daniel Meyers attended CCAC West Hills Center to study Automotive Mechanics. He graduated in 2020 from the ASEP/ASSET/CAP Manufacturer Automotive Technology Program after the successful completion of courses with faculty members Bob Koch and Jeremy Davis and a Co-Op experience with South Hills Lincoln.
How did you choose your major? What motivated you to choose that field/profession?
I was originally going to CCAC for Computer Science. Learning about coding and how computers worked was what I loved at the time, but the thought of sitting at a desk all day staring at a computer sounded really boring. I had a semester of taking general studies classes (Music, Spanish, and Astronomy) and Automotive Mechanics was one of those. The computer science classes ended up helping me with fixing cars because cars are essentially giant computers with wheels.
What did you enjoy about attending CCAC? Any memorable moment to share?
Being around people who love learning about and fixing cars provided me with a lot of good memories. Having a lot of mechanics in one room turned into a lot of fun times in the classroom.
How involved were you at CCAC? Did you study abroad? Did you have internships or Co-Ops? Clinicals and/or practicums? Were you a part of any clubs, sports, or extracurriculars? (please list as much detail as possible).
Part of our classes was a Co-Op section. We would be in school, in the classroom, learning about the theory of cars and applying the skills. During our school breaks, our class would Co-Op at a dealership of our choosing. I was learning at South Hills Lincoln and using my skills in the field to fix real cars; not just the ones we had at school. Learning from real mechanics at a dealership really helped my knowledge grow and really helped me know what the job was going to be like when I was done with school. When I graduated, I moved on to Washington Ford to work as a full-time Mechanic.
Did any of these experiences lead you into realizing your passions for work and career? If so, how?
I never worked on cars before going to school for this degree. Once I turned my studies into a proper career, I learned to love tinkering with any machine that needs fixing. Working with my hands is the most satisfying feeling knowing I can fix it with very little tools if you have the knowledge to do it.
What (transferable) skills did you gain that you could take into a workplace?
When you learn to work on cars, you pick up a variety of hand skills. I would feel confident fixing any machine that might be broken, perform any electrician work at my own home if need be, or fix any plumbing issues that might arise. You develop handyman-like skills when you tinker with big machines for a living.
What are you hoping to do next? What would you like to do professionally?
I hope to continue working in my current career at the same dealership.
How do you manage stress (most especially during these uncertain times)?
Managing stress never seemed to be a problem for me. Even during Covid, cars still needed repairs, so I was still working. Any sort of stress I had, I would put that energy towards work.
What do you want prospective college students to know-what advice do you have for them?
I would want any new student to know it's okay to change your career path. I went from computer science to automotive mechanics and would never dream of looking back. You might not know what you want to do when you start school, but your gut will tell you when you find your passion.
Who inspires you and why? Do you have any mentors or people of influence in your life?
All of my mentors would be the older mechanics that taught me all that I know. There is always more to learn as cars get more advanced, so I have to stay on my toes. My mentors taught me well to take everything slow and just keep learning. Even when I graduated, I still learn something new every single day.
Anything else you'd like for us to know?
I loved every minute being in school and learning from the Ford teachers at the West Hills campus!